
  • I have better understanding of what scoliosis is and how it can be treated. Hands-on demonstration were helpful.
  • I found hands-on demonstration, continual reinforcement with different set ups helpful.
  • X number of easy exercise steps + able to build around it. There was plenty of help any time. All questions were answered.
  • Frequent review, verbal and demonstration of key concepts.
  • The visual PowerPoint/slides was helpful. Also visual x-ray presentation was helpful.
  • Adequate time to practice hands-on techniques.
  • Hands-on, demonstrating of participants, illustrating with skeleton were helpful.
  • Step-by-step sequencing of corrective procedure were helpful. It would be useful to have video or patient demo showing deformity + correction.
  • The structure is concise, easy to understand and apply to all levels.
  • Thank you for the course. I have been waiting to attend a course on scoliosis for years.
  • Great class, definitely enriched my understanding of scoliosis. I learned new techniques for treatment that will be very helpful. Looking forward to the next class.
  • Very pleasant and respectful presentation. Open to other's ideas and input.
  • Easy to understand step-by step exercises. Looking forward to more manual techniques. Great course.